Conceptual Framework
Conceptual Framework for International Financial Reporting Standards
Training Materials
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PPT Presentations
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Case Studies
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It is funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. However, the European Commission and the Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsible for any use of the information contained herein.
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This course contains copyright materials of the IFRS® Foundation, all rights reserved. IFRS®Foundation (IFRS®Reproduced by the PASSFR Project with permission of the Foundation. Reproduction or distribution to third parties is not permitted.
For full access to the IFRS® Standards and the work of the IFRS® Foundation, please visit http://eifrs.ifrs.org.
International Accounting Standards Board® (The International Accounting Standards Board®),IFRS®Foundation (IFRS®Foundation), the authors, and the publishers disclaim any responsibility for any loss, such damage caused by negligence or otherwise, resulting from acting or refraining from acting on the material in this publication.
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'IFRS®',of the IFRS® Foundationis a registered trademark and is used by PASSFR Project under license, subject to the terms and conditions contained herein. For details of countries where trademarks are in use and/or registered, pleaseIFRS® Foundation (IFRS® Foundation) contact with.
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